Work starts

When you have found your field and are looking for a job, you must find the right channels for job hunting. When looking for a job, a good CV or resume and application letter are essential. In some jobs, a video application is also required in the recruitment process.

Interviews are an essential part of the recruitment process. You should prepare well for the interviews, because that way you will show that you are interested in the job. It is also good to know what the employer is allowed to ask in job interviews.

Before starting a new job, you must write an employment contract. An employment contract should always be made in writing, even if an oral contract is binding. In the employment contract, a trial period of a maximum of 6 months can be agreed. In a fixed-term employment relationship, the trial period may be a maximum of half of the duration of the employment relationship.

When employees start in a new job, they have a legal right to receive high-quality orientation to their duties and the workplace practices. The orientation and guidance concern all new employees in the company, including summer workers and agency contract workers. It is particularly important to orient young employees at the start of their careers who do not necessarily have the professional skills and experience required for the job.