Deciding which trade union to join depends on your work tasks and the sector where you work. You can ask the shop steward in your workplace which trade union they represent. If you do not know the name of the shop steward or elected representative in your workplace, you can also ask your workmates which trade union they belong to.
The shop steward represents the trade union in the workplace and they can tell you which trade union negotiates with the employer on the collective agreement applying to the employees in your workplace. More than one trade union may be represented in your workplace and you have always the right to decide which trade union you want to join.
The selection of the trade union depends on:
- Your tasks and the sector where you work
- The collective agreement applied to the employees in your workplace
Trade union membership is voluntary but it is also every employee’s right. You can already join the trade union during your studies, and student membership is often free of charge. You can also change to a different trade union if you change to a different sector or your work tasks change.
STTK-affiliated unions
There are three trade union confederations in Finland: STTK, SAK and Akava. This website is maintained by STTK, and its member unions are presented below.
Members of the STTK-affiliated trade unions work in hospitals, retirement homes, factories, forestry sector, daycare centres, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, libraries, rescue services and ships. They are people whom Finns meet when going about their daily lives.

Most of the Trade Union Jyty members work in municipalities, wellbeing services counties and in companies owned by municipalities as well as in the private sector, organisations and parishes. They are employed in secretarial and administrative tasks, youth and organisational work, social sector, libraries and school counselling. Information about joining Jyty:

The trade union Kelan toimihenkilöt represents the office and managerial staff and experts working in Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland) and it promotes their pay-related, professional and social interests. Information about joining Kelan toimihenkilöt: (Finnish)

The Trade Union Pro is a multisectoral trade union and its membership comprises trained professionals, experts and people in supervisory positions. Pro conducts negotiations on 75 different collective agreements in the industrial, financial, service, ICT and communications sectors as well as in the public sector. Information about joining the Trade Union Pro:

Members of the Union of Church Employees work in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, the Finnish Orthodox Church, and in Christian organisations and communities. Information about joining the Union of Church Employees: (Finnish)

Members of the Professional Dairy Association MVL work in the dairy processing industry. The membership is open to dairy processing specialists and people with technical training as well as to students in the dairy and food processing sectors. Information about joining the Professional Dairy Association MVL: (Finnish)

Members of METO Forestry Experts’ Association work in the forest and natural resources sector in such areas as forest cultivation, forest management, timber harvesting and transport as well as wood processing. Information about joining METO: (Finnish)

Members of RIA (Association of Finnish Construction Engineers and Architects) are graduates from the university of applied sciences and technical schools and they work in the construction industry. Information about joining RIA:

Members of the Finnish Engineers’ Association work as chief engineer officers, engineer officers and electrical engineer officers on ships, and in energy utilities, the paper industry and the metal industry. Information about joining the Finnish Engineers’ Association: (Finnish)

SuPer (the Finnish Union of Practical Nurses) is Finland’s largest trade union for health and social services professionals with upper secondary level qualifications and for students in the sector. SuPer members work in health and social services in the public and private sectors, and many of them also work as private entrepreneurs in the sector. Information about joining SuPer:

The Finnish Ship’s Officers’ Union represents Finnish maritime officers at sea and on land. Information about joining the union:

The members of SPAL (Union of Finnish Rescue Professionals) work in municipal rescue and prehospital care professions and in emergency response centres. Typical job titles include firefighter, firefighter-ambulance driver, emergency medical technician, firefighter-emergency medical technician, fire officer, senior executive fire officer and emergency response centre officer. Information about joining SPAL: (Finnish)

Members of Tehy (Union of Health and Social Care Professionals in Finland) work in health and social services in the public and private sectors. Their professional titles include nurse, practical nurse, emergency medical technician, bioanalyst, physiotherapist, dental nurse, midwife, child carer, radiographer, mental health nurse, oral hygienist and public health nurse. Information about joining Tehy:

Members of Erto (Union of Private Sector Professionals) work in the logistics sector, advertising and market research sector, digital media sector, health and social services, financial management, IT services, organisations, and in sports, cultural and leisure professions. Information about joining Erto: (Finnish)
The details of the unions affiliated to Finland’s other trade union confederations can be found in: (SAK) (Akava)