Tips for job searching
- Be active and contact the workplaces that interest you. Sometimes a job can be found even if there are no vacancies.
- It is important to know what you are applying for. Take a look at the job information on their website, for example.
- A distinctive job application stands out, but watch out for overkill. Before submitting your job application, ask for feedback from someone you know.
- Include what you can offer them as an employee in your application.
- In the application tell them what you can do and be proud of your skills.
- In addition to or in the absence of work experience, you may also include in your CV your experience in free time activities and volunteering.
- Ask for references, for example from former supervisors or hobby instructors.

Not all questions need to be answered. For example: family status, political beliefs, if you are a member of a trade union.
- If you are called for an interview, think ahead of time what you might be asked and how you will respond.
- Prepare to be asked by the employer if you have any questions at the end of the interview.
- Remember polite manners and a tidy appearance.
- Remember that not all questions need to be answered (for example, questions relating to family status or political beliefs).
When you get a job remember the following
- Make a written employment contract. Remember that you have the right to take your time to study the contract. If you think something is unclear in the agreement, you do not have to sign it immediately. You may want to ask your parents or your trade union for advice before signing.
- Order your tax card from and send it to your employer before starting your employment.
- There must be a valid reason stated in the employment contract for making it a fixed-term contract (e.g. summer work).
- There is no probationary period unless agreed upon at the latest when the employment begins.
- Find out what the sector’s trade union is and if you have a shop steward or other employee representative at your workplace. Your trade union and your shop steward or other employee representative will be there to support you if you encounter problems in the workplace.
- If you do not know what salary you should be paid for the work, you can ask for advice from your trade union. The minimum wage under the collective bargaining agreement must not be lower, but it can be higher.
- Your salary will be paid into your bank account and you are entitled to a payslip.

Your trade union and your shop steward or other employee representative will be there to support you if you encounter problems in the workplace.
- Be sure to check that all the necessary information is included in each payslip: the amount of pay, any overtime and weekend bonuses, the tax rate, and the pension and unemployment insurance contributions.
- Separate compensation must be paid for overtime and public holidays. You do not have to agree to work overtime, but you should be flexible.
- When you are employed you accrue annual leave. You may also be entitled to holiday pay.
- Fixed-term employment contracts are terminated without notice or at the end of the agreed work. Employment may be terminated without notice only for very serious reasons.
- If your job ends unexpectedly, ask your employer for a written notice of termination of employment. Make sure the reason for the termination is legal. If necessary, contact your shop steward or your trade union.
- Be sure to request a written certificate of employment.