When your employment is terminated, check the following:
- When your employment ends, make sure that the reason for ending itis legal.
- Ask your employer for a written notice and references.
- If you seek unemployment benefits, ask your employer for a payroll statement.
Heading for the next job and ensuring subsistence
- Register at the employment office as a job-seeker on your first day of unemployment at the latest.
- Follow the instructions of the employment office on how to keep the job search in force.
Apply for the unemployment benefit as instructed
- Apply for earnings-related unemployment benefit at the unemployment fund – for the basic unemployment allowance and the labour market support at Kela.
- The application must be submitted within three months of the beginning of the unemployment.

- The applications are made in periods of four weeks or one month. Remember to attach the required attachments to the application. If your application is incomplete, it will take longer to process and at worst, the unemployment benefit may be denied.
Avoid paying back benefits
- Notify both the employment office and the unemployment fund or Kela of any changes in your conditions (e.g. new employment, change of address or phone number).
- When your first application is processed, you get a decision on the daily allowance, the payment advice and the follow-up application form. You can appeal against the decision within 30 days, according to the appealing instructions.