Occupational safety and health authorities

The occupational safety and health authorities working in the Regional State Administrative Agency monitor the compliance with provisions and orders concerning occupational safety and give advise and instructions on issues regarding occupational health and safety as well as the conditions of employment.

The primary objective of the national telephone service provided by the occupational safety and health authorities is to provide employees and employers alike with guidance so that they can sort things out at the workplace by themselves. Also control requests can be made at the service. The requests are evaluated and if necessary, they will lead to control measures. Contacts are fully confidential and if you wish, you can remain anonymous.

For the national telephone service of the occupational safety and health authorities, phone 0295 016 620 weekdays at 9–15.

The occupational safety and health authorities are independent and neutral supervisory authorities carrying out inspections both on their own initiative and at employees’ and employers’ request.