What is a healthy work community like?
A healthy work community or wellbeing at work can be identified by having a good feeling about going back to work after a day off or holiday. Although work cannot always be fun, your job description and work environment should nevertheless primarily provoke positive or at least neutral feelings in you. A healthy work community is also in the employer’s interests – motivated employees cope better with work and have less sick leaves.

Wellbeing at work is built up in the everyday life of the work community
Wellbeing at work is built in the everyday life of the company by persistently developing the work environment, community, processes and management. Each workplace must have zero tolerance to harassment and discrimination. In a healthy work community colleagues appreciate each other and the work done by others. Problems are solved by listening to and respecting all parties.
It is important to make sure that work is not too hectic or strenuous. A healthy work community involves working in healthy and safe conditions. When people feel good in a work community, the work is fruitful and immersing in a positive way. The supervisors support their subordinates and the whole work community pulls in one direction. A healthy work community is creative, productive and also financially profitable.
Investing in the wellbeing at work is a productive activity to the company or organisation. It has been estimated that investing money in wellbeing at work will have a multiple yield.
Taking care of your wellbeing will improve how you cope with work and the wellbeing of the whole work community.
You can promote your wellbeing in the following ways:
- exercise in the fresh air
- daily beneficial exercise
- sufficient nutrition that gives you enough vitamins etc. to carry on
- good recovery from exercise and work
- sufficient night sleep
In a healthy work community people:
- are open and confident
- are inspiring and encouraging
- pull in one direction
- give positive feedback
- keep the work load in control
- dare to speak out about their problems
- maintain their ability to act in change situations.
Source: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health