Category: Uncategorized

  • What is a local agreement?

    In general, a ‘local agreement’ stands for the right given in a collective labour agreement to agree certain matters locally in the workplace. For example, it may be possible to agree flexible working hours arrangements within the scope of the collective labour agreement. Local agreements usually concern wages, holidays, working hours and similar factors of a company’s single personnel group…

  • What does a warning mean?

    A warning refers to the employer notifying the employee of the employee having in the employer’s opinion neglected or violated the obligations arising from the employment. The purpose of the warning is to tell employees how they have misbehaved in the employer’s opinion and to give employees an opportunity to correct their actions. Warning and terminating…

  • What to do if you are late for work?

    If you overslept or find you will be late for work for another reason, notify your supervisor immediately. Being late for work may affect the colleagues’ and supervisor’s work as well as customers. Mistakes happen and we can all find ourselves in unexpected situations that we cannot prepare for. When late, remember to behave respectfully…

  • What is a zero-hour contract?

    A zero-hour contract is an employment contract in which the employer is not obliged to offer a single working hour to the employee. Hence, a work contract may have a clause on the range of working hours over a specified period of time so that the minimum working time is defined as zero hours (the…

  • Unpaid ‘grey’ overtime – don’t do it!

    The amount of unpaid overtime done in a year could employ 20,000 people full-time. How many of us have come to the office ten minutes early to prepare for an important presentation? Or stayed at the office 15 minutes after official working hours had already ended, or responded to an urgent email at the weekend?…

  • Salary or fee?

    Salary and fee words can get confused and the word fee is used in a variety of ways. Salary is paid for work done in an employment relationship. Remuneration can be based on time (hourly wage or monthly salary) or work performance and the outcome. Fees, such as writing or lecture fees, can be paid both…

  • What questions are allowed in a job interview?

    You can practice the interview situation in advance and think about suitable answers to questions. Preparation is also a good way to keep the tension in control. It is also a good idea to think about what you would like to know about the job in advance. The interview is a good opportunity to get answers to…

  • What to do if your child falls ill?

    Legally, you have a right to stay on a temporary childcare leave for four days, if your under 10-year old child suddenly falls ill. If the child falls ill on a Friday, you can stay on a temporary childcare leave until Wednesday. If you had had work at the weekend, you have to return to…

  • What is a strike? What about industrial action?

    Industrial action usually occurs in a situation where the trade union representing employees and the employer organization representing employers cannot reach an agreement on the pay and the conditions for work. These issues are agreed on in a collective labour agreement. When the agreement period of the collective labour agreement ends and the negotiations on employees’ pay and…

  • Aptitude testing in connection with recruitment

    Personnel assessment i.e. so-called aptitude tests can be conducted in connection to recruitments or during the employment. The candidate’s consent is always required for personnel testing. The aim of personnel testing conducted in connection to recruitment is to establish if the applicant is suited for the organization and the vacancy there. It provides the potential…